sábado, 26 de septiembre de 2009

Working hand to hand with college students and universities

I had the chance to participate as a resource in different activities universities organize. The Inter-American University of Puerto Rico Bayamón Campus make each semester a conference about experiences that the inters found in their working places. I, as a past intern, made comments and give advice to future communicators students (entertainment business area) about how to be a great professional and how to developed a the new opportunity in the work place.

I told them my experiences and how to apply those experiences in their business area. They always had questions of how to make it in this competitive market. I found these conferences as a great opportunity to them because they could formulate their questions and they received answers.

Another important conference I participated it was in Atlantic College in Guaynabo, Puerto Rico. This is the only institution in the Island and the Caribbean that teaches exclusively graphic arts and animation. In this opportunity I had the change to talk about the entertainment business and publicity. I really liked this panel because I could share my experiences with other students and professors. My leadership position in the market gives me the opportunity to become a mentor in my territory. I’m very thankful for that!!

Article (under the title: "Comunicación Creativa Panel de discusión sobre Medios de Comunicación") about my conference in Atlantic College: http://www.atlanticcollege.edu/noticias

1 comentario:

  1. I love it!! i SO YOU!!!! Keep doing the great job Josema. There is a leader within you!!!!
