sábado, 26 de septiembre de 2009

Negotiating with Myself… and with Mr. Vega

“Let us move from the era of confrontation to the era of negotiation”. -Richard M. Nixon, (1971)

My name is Jose Hernandez, and I’m an event and TV production producer. I have worked with the management of several artists here in Puerto Rico and USA. I have learned a lot of things about myself and my profession, and about what I want for my future. In the negotiation process I’ve learned to trust my judgment and to trust myself. Also, I have learned to identify my emotions and to become an excellent professional.

Businessdictionary.com (2008) define “Negotiation” as: “bargaining (give and take) process between two or more parties (each with its own aims, needs, and viewpoints) seeking to discover a common ground and reach an agreement to settle a matter of mutual concern or resolve a conflict”. For me negotiation is an action that represents more than that; negotiation represents passion and respect. I’ve learned to be more professional in the time of a negotiation. Listening to the other person, respecting their choice and opinions and identifying needs and other things I’ve learned about this process.

Emotions play a significant part in all this process. Emotions in a deal-making and negotiation process sometimes can be a negative circumstance. We, as leaders, have to deal with this “sentiment” to demonstrate who we are. “To deal with emotions, our general is to take constructive action. Rather than worry about labeling emotions, diagnosing their causes, and figuring out what to do, you can often overwhelm whatever negative emotions a person might have with positive ones. This is done if you express appreciation, build affiliation, respect autonomy, acknowledge status, and choose fulfilling roles”. – (Fisher & Shapiro, 2005).

With the interview of Mr. Ender Vega you will see the entire elements I’ve learned in class. Mr. Vega was a negotiator of the show business since he was born. He is a very respectful person here in Puerto Rico and an extraordinaire human being. Mr. Vega has worked with important artists and with important clients of the entertainment industry. The passion of this leader is to negotiate and producer many show in foreign lands. With the negotiation he expects positive actions and positive benefits for his business. Here you will learn about his life, passion, techniques and examples that keep Mr. Vega on track.

I’m very happy with the things I’ve learned with the Negotiation and Deal Making class. I feel prepared to be involved in any situation regarding the negotiation and deal making process. The past experiences with my classmates were very comfortable and interesting because I can identify my weaknesses and strengths. The role I showed was the role of a real leader. I was prepared with all these elements and I consider the books help us a lot to pass this interesting class. Definitely, I learned to be more patience and professional when I was in the dealing process.

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