viernes, 23 de septiembre de 2011

Welcome to the CABARET!

Wow!, on September 16th my life changed a little bit. I have to tell the whole history: I met actress Lymari Nadal in June, 2010 at the Premiere in LA of In The Heights. She's now one of my clients and Im the president of her company in Puerto Rico. We really start to coming along. I like her attitude, her passion and determination. In March 2011 I start to work in Puerto Rico with her doing some publicity for her new movie AMERICA. But, what I didn't know back them (March, 2011) is that Lymari's plan of producing and working for her hometown Ponce was really close: she's moved with her husband, actor Edward James Olmos to Ponce on July 2011 and suddenly everything start to change!

CABARET THE MUSICAL was a real gem!

The first project of Lymari Nadal Entertainment was to bring CABARET THE MUSICAL to Ponce. Lymari's brought this piece to present in Teatro La Perla. We made press, local publicity strategies, interviews with the actors and Lymari herself, and everything started to grow.

We planned a great event in Ponce with a GALA
and a red carpet where actor Edward James
Olmos and mexican actresses Angélica Vale and Angélica María passed. Everything was beautiful: the gala, the music, the lights and the glamour of the people of Ponce. The event was successful and everyone was happy. Actresses Angélica María and Angélica Vale were delightful. They love Lymari and Edward so much!!!

Thanks for the compliment Mr. Olmos

The experience was magnificent. My team: Eliezer Rodríguez, Emanuel Galarce and Eldim Correa worked hard for the success of the evening and they did it. Mr. Edward James Olmos tells me: "Josema, that was a FIRST CLASS event, congratulations". The truth is without my team none of this had happened. I have to congratulate them for such a great and professional job.

At the end, resting at the Ponce Hilton that magical night I knew that I found the leader in my. I can do everything, and I started to dream... HOLLYWOOD HERE I COME!

PHOTO-CREDITS: Alfredo Rolón

jueves, 19 de mayo de 2011

At home... working on my future...

It's 9:41pm and Im thinking about my future. IRS, medical insurance, retirement plan... a security... I'm big, I'm great someone said... an incredible leader others said... It's time to move forward, to plan other strategy. I'm going to give myself a year. I think a year is more than sufficient to make a wise and intelligent movement. Television is my life and I'm going to conquer this media. I'm tire of being second and I'm tire of making money for everybody else... now it's my turn. Josema Hernández go ahead!!! A YEAR IS MORE THAN THAT!!!!

domingo, 27 de septiembre de 2009

Thanks to Internet Marketing Class I already have my keywords

Internet Marketing was a great class. I enjoyed applying to my “website” Internet applications and keywords. For the leadership portfolio assignment, we had to select five keywords for our company (PRODUCTORES).

My five keywords were “live shows”, “Event Company”, “Puerto Rico television”, “Productores” and “Reality TV shows”. With these words I had the chance to make an analysis and learn the importance of these elements in my company. I really liked to know all about the different applications I can use for my business. With this analysis I found the following on my keywords:

Live Shows: The keyword (Live Shows) will be kind of difficult because this phrase is very general (too many Webpages with the same phrase). To be in a top position I have to be more specific regarding my searching results.

Event Company: It’s easy to get a top ranking position with this phrase (events company). This phrase represents a specific search and is a very easy way to find us.

Puerto Rico Television: “Puerto Rico Television” it’s a very easy keyphrase to be in the top rank position. It’s very easy because is more specific and we can “jump” directly to the top rank.

Productores: “Productores” it’s a very easy keyphrase to be in the top rank position. This phrase has a great page rank. To get to the top rank position, “productores” would require being more specific and powerful (in a link). This also is our company name and that’s why this keyword its so important for us.

Reality TV Shows: “Reality TV Shows” it’s a very easy keyphrase to be in the top rank position. This phrase has a great page rank. To get to the top rank position, “Reality TV Shows” would require being more specific and powerful (in a link).

Universal Pictures as an Important Brand

In our class of Branding we have the chance to select a brand (I choose Universal Pictures) and analyze it. Universal Pictures Portfolio has achieved both popular success and critical acclaim with its recent Academy Award winners Atonement, The Bourne Ultimatum, King Kong, Brokeback Mountain, Ray, A Beautiful Mind, The Pianist and Lost in Translation. Classic, Academy Award-winning films from Universal include All Quiet on the Western Front (1930), To Kill a Mockingbird (1962), The Deer Hunter (1978) and Schindler’s List (1993).

Brand Research

Target Market: The specific target market audience of UP are 15-35 year old men. However, their products (movies) are for different ages and have individualized target analysis (per project).

Competitive Landscape: Consumer spending drives demand. The profitability of individual companies depends on creativity, marketing, and distribution. Large companies often have the advantages of long-term contracts with key actors and directors, a permanent staff of technical employees, and wide distribution networks. Small companies can compete successfully by creating marketable movies, often for niche audiences, on low budgets. Although production work is labor-intensive, the value of the product results in high average annual industry revenue of $300,000 per employee.

Current Position in the marketplace:

With movies successes, Universal has the third-place finish in market share, close behind No. 1 Buena Vista and No. 2 Sony (two studios with women in top positions).

Branding Components:

Logo: "The Glittering Globe”: On a black background, an arc slowly appears and brightens. Lights begin appearing below the arc and we see that this is another globe, looking over Europe. We move down as the lights appear all over Europe, and then Africa. As we begin to zoom out, the letters "UNIVERSAL", in a similar font as the last logo but handsomely redone, rotate to the front of the globe. By this time, the globe is shining from the back. A small copyright appears at the bottom-right.

Slogan: “Universal Has The Picture”

Mission Statement: UP focus on attention and integrity toward exemplary production services. They remain constant in our commitment to insure our reputation of extending Universal Picture support, vendors and alliances to exceed any and every expectation our client may have.

sábado, 26 de septiembre de 2009

National Association of Latino Independent Producers

I decided to join the National Association of Latino Independent Producers (NALIP). NALIP is a national membership organization that addresses the professional needs of Latino (a) independent producers. The mission of this organization is to promote the advancement, development and funding of Latino (a) film and media arts in all genres. Also, NALIP is the only national organization committed to supporting both grassroots and community-based producers / media markers along with publicity funded and industry-based producers.

I have chosen to participate in the National Association of Latino Independent Producers because, as a leader in my area, I like to stay informed and active on everything regarding the entertainment business. Also, I am proud that producers in the Latino community have a professional organization to represent us and make thing happens.

The main goal I want to accomplish with this Organization is getting my point of view across by participating in all the activities in Puerto Rico and USA. I’m looking forward to becoming an important leader of NALIP, creating TV / Films projects in my area and collaborating with other Latinos producers. I basically think that the key word is teaching. We have the responsibility to “spread the word” about opportunities in the producing field here in Puerto Rico by supporting and promoting our NALIP chapter.

Through the National Association of Latino Independent Producers, I plan to be involved and participate as much as I can in special activities and organization meetings. My course of action for the next 12 months is to concentrate on the needs of the Puerto Rican producer. I’m going to implement additional benefits for members including: seminars, the possibility of health insurance, working with charity, public relations assistance (press conferences and interviews), as well as active collaboration with other NALIP associates. My priority in this matter is assisting and fulfilling the needs for education. I want, as a member, to help people make wise and informed choices and to do that hey need to be guided with practice in the field.

The National Association of Latino Independent Producers (NALIP) has become an opportunity to show my abilities and skills as a leader in the entertainment industry.